LX Aer News & Updates
LX Aer Announces Unprecedented Giveaway @ FETC 2025
READ MORE →: LX Aer Announces Unprecedented Giveaway @ FETC 2025Today, we are incredibly excited to announce what we will be giving away as the official provider of the Future of Education Technology Conference 2025 Grand Prize: the experience of a lifetime! Picture white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and the ultimate giveaway: LX Aer…
LX Aer Announces Exciting FETC 2025 Updates
READ MORE →: LX Aer Announces Exciting FETC 2025 UpdatesToday, LX Aer is elated to announce several key updates regarding the Future of Education Technology Conference 2025! Booth Space LX Aer will now have a 20×20′ booth in the Cybersecurity Pavilion (the largest available) instead of the previously planned 10×10′! Our booth…
LX Aer Announces Exciting Updates to Product Offerings
READ MORE →: LX Aer Announces Exciting Updates to Product OfferingsProduct Updates Today, LX Aer is announcing that LX Scholar™, its standalone suite of study tools, is gaining support for Aer Intelligence™ and Aer Intelligence Chat™ on its new premium plans, and the standard plan is becoming FREE. With these new offerings, customers…
LX Aer Unveils New Brand
READ MORE →: LX Aer Unveils New BrandToday, LX Aer is announcing that we have created a new set of logos and branding items to represent our company. The new LX Aer company logo will represent our company and embody our slogan of “Security, Reliability, Innovation.” The A icon represents…
AI detection is now more important than ever. So why are we ditching GPTZero?
READ MORE →: AI detection is now more important than ever. So why are we ditching GPTZero?GPTZero was an incredible product when it first launched. At a time when ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) were becoming increasingly more popular at an exponential rate, and students began using these LLMs to do their classwork, GPTZero was a tool…
LX Aer Announces Booths at the Future of Education Technology Conference 2025
READ MORE →: LX Aer Announces Booths at the Future of Education Technology Conference 2025LX Aer is announcing today that we will be returning to the prestigious FETC conference in January 2025! We will be in the Startup Pavilion at Booth 2779sp and we will, for the first time, have a second booth in the Cybersecurity Pavilion…
LX Aer Featured in Xojo’s Spotlight On Series
READ MORE →: LX Aer Featured in Xojo’s Spotlight On SeriesThe talented individuals behind the Xojo programming language, which the core of LX Aer is written in, have featured our company in a blog post. Check it out! Link: https://blog.xojo.com/2024/08/14/spotlight-on-lx-aer/